GOM3 Hotlink - Other Options
The Hotlink Tool includes many options, including access to well logs, production graphs and downloads and linking documents to features...
The Owners option when hotlinking a lease contains the same ownership data as the Lease Report, but focused down to just the owners...
The Bids option when hotlinking a lease contains bidding data of the chosen lease. The data is the same as the Lease Bidding Report without...
Lease Remarks
The Lease Remarks option when hotlinking a lease contains serial remarks of the chosen lease. The data is the same as the Lease Remarks Report without...
Operating Rights
The Operating Rights option when hotlinking a lease contains operating rights of the chosen lease. The data is the similar to the Operating Rights Report...
The Units option when hotlinking a lease contains unit information of the chosen lease. This page is a quick look at various unit information...
Well Tests
The Well Tests option when hotlinking a well or completion contains well test information similar to Well Test reports but more focused...
Third Party
The final option for the Hotlink tool is Third Party Data connections when clicking on a well. Similar to the links in Reports when connecting...
The Hotlink Tool includes many options, including access to well logs, production graphs and downloads and linking documents to features in a map. This page details the options that are quick links to data that are generally shown in reports, but presented in a quick streamlined web page.
The Owners option when hotlinking a lease contains the same ownership data as the Lease Report, but focused down to just the owners and not other information about the lease. This page contains the following information:
- Owner
- Assignment Effective Date
- Assignment Status
- Ownership Percentage
- Aliquot
- Operator
- Operator Designation Date

The Bids option when hotlinking a lease contains bidding data of the chosen lease. The data is the same as the Lease Bidding Report without the other lease information. This page contains the following information:
- Bidding Company
- Rank (Bid Order)
- Bid Amount
- Percentage Share
- Sale Number
- Sale Date

Lease Remarks
The Lease Remarks option when hotlinking a lease contains serial remarks of the chosen lease. The data is the same as the Lease Remarks Report without the other lease information. This page contains the following information:
- Remark Date
- Remark Type
- Remarks

Operating Rights
The Operating Rights option when hotlinking a lease contains operating rights of the chosen lease. The data is the similar to the Lease Operating Rights Report but without the special formatting for current and historical operating rights. This page contains the following information:
- Assignee
- Assignment Percentage
- Description

The Units option when hotlinking a lease contains unit information of the chosen lease. This page is a quick look at various unit information. Data shown varies by unit type but can contain the following information:
- Unit Number
- Unit Name
- Unit Date
- Acreage
- Company
- Unit Type
- Payor Type
- Allocation Basis
- Reservoir
- Reservoir Acreage

Well Tests
The Well Tests option when hotlinking a well or completion contains well test information similar to Well Test reports but more focused on a few variables. This page contains the following information:
- Perforation Interval
- Test Date
- Test Type
- Casing Pressure
- Tubing Pressure
- Shutin Pressure
- Oil 24/hour rate
- Gas 24/hour rate
- Water 24/hour rate

Third Party
The final option for the Hotlink tool is Third Party Data connections when clicking on a well. Similar to the links in Reports when connecting to the BSEE reports and documents, this option links to files stored on your network for Earth Science Associates' partners. Connections to these datasets requires a subscription/purchase of the partners' database:
- Paleo Data Reports (Foram and Nanno)
- Petrophysical Solutions (PDF)
- Petrophysical Solutions (LAS)